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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Is the same crowd all over again.

I'm a my home watching the Emmy Awards on E, and what a surprise no new face on the red carpet. I compared Hollywood to a ostrich, they live with there heads in the sand. To the so call stars in Hollywood, they don't see all the new talented people out there. And to make sure that no one comes and steals there spot on Hollywood society, they make hard almost imposable for new talent like me to get the funding that we need to make our films. You see ones your one of the Hollywood insiders, you could pitch the must stupid idea for a film, and you get the money to make that stupid idea in to a movie. Is like film investors got there heads up there ass and thing just because the idea was pitch by a recognize Hollywood insider, the movie is going to make lots of money. This leave talented artist like me out in the cold, and again as I see the Emmy Awards all I see is the same face again and again.

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