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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Why I want to make my sci fi film Union.

I was born in to a poor Hispanic family my mother separated from my father, so I went to live with my mother. She had move to New York with out known a single word in English, somehow she manege to make a living and put food on the table. She even manage to give me some money, so I can go to the cinema and escape the reality of my life. Being poor at the age of 10 was extremely difficult for me, movies gave me a way to imagine a better way of life. And for the duration of the film I was happy, I would hate when the movie ended, because it would mean that I had to go back to reality. I told my self that someday I would make films, but life had other plans for me.

Now at the age of 41, I want to make my dreams come true. I want to make films, I want to inspire others who go to the cinema to escape the sad reality of life. I want create unique and amazing films that would bring enjoyment to others. I want to create a legacy for others to know that is OK to dream.

Union is a film that I want to make because it deals with people cultural differences, and how they must cast them aside for the greater good. Sure the film deals with a fictional situation (Alien Invasion) but the script is set on reality.

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