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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Squeezing money from rocks.

If your first time film maker getting money to finance your film is like squeezing water from a rock, investors only want to invest in films that have a 99% chance of making money. If you have a big time actor, or a director with 5 successful films then a investor will give you the money you need to make the film. It doesn't matter that you may have a guarantee that the movie you want to make will make 100 million dollars in profit, if you don't have the big time actor or director then you won't get the money to make your film.

People in the industry always said to the press "The only thing you need is a good script". That is a lie, that actors and well known directors like to say to the press to make them self look good, but the sad reality is that only the well known actors, producers or directors get all the money they want to make what ever film they feel like.

Like I said the movie industry have to change, and that is what I want to do. I'm starting a film company that won't be accepting money from investors to make movies. I have discover a new way to finance films, I don't even care if the film don't have a big time actor, director or producer. I care only in the story, I want to open up Hollywood to new talent.
Viste The Voice of God Page to learn more about the film.

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