Talented people like me who have good scripts we don t get the money to make our movies, Why? Because film investors only invest in movies created by celebs, is like investors think they can't lose money if they put money in to projects created by celebs. All I'm saying there should be equal opportunity to get access to investment money.
I'm a my home watching the Emmy Awards on E, and what a surprise no new face on the red carpet. I compared Hollywood to a ostrich, they live with there heads in the sand. To the so call stars in Hollywood, they don't see all the new talented people out there. And to make sure that no one comes and steals there spot on Hollywood society, they make hard almost imposable for new talent like me to get the funding that we need to make our films. You see ones your one of the Hollywood insiders, you could pitch the must stupid idea for a film, and you get the money to make that stupid idea in to a movie. Is like film investors got there heads up there ass and thing just because the idea was pitch by a recognize Hollywood insider, the movie is going to make lots of money. This leave talented artist like me out in the cold, and again as I see the Emmy Awards all I see is the same face again and again.
I saw this Film and I was surprise, is a chick flick but the comedy was good. I have nothing bad to say about this movie, the only thing that didn't make sense in my opinion is that Jenifer Aniston is the star of the film, but Jason Bateman have more on screen time and he's role was the movie. Jenifer Aniston wasn't eccentrically for this film, Jason Bateman stole this movie. Another so call star that wasn't right for this movie, Jeff" Goldblum he was odd for this film.
Movies like "The Switch" are the kind of films I want to produced. The producers of "The Switch" did all the right move, they cast Jenifer Aniston and Jason Bateman then they went to investors and got the money for the film. To the producers the actors ware more important than the story, and that is whats wrong with Hollywood today. This is why actors get this ego complex, producers directors and investors put these talented people in pedestals and then they think there more important than the story.
Hollywood is suffering from a decease, and that is no one believe in story telling. All the people who have the money to make films, only invest that money is films that have actors like Jenifer Aniston, Jason Bateman, and Jeff Goldblum in it. That's why the system is broken, producers, directors, and film investors don't want to give opportunities to new talented people like my self.
For some time I been trying to get finance for my films, investors, Hollywood executive and recognize directors don't like to even give pitch meeting to new artist. The film industry is like a secrete society that someone from the inside must invite you to join, and after your in "This club" then it doesn't matter how stupid your idea for a film is, you get the money for your film. Have you ever ask your self after seen a dumb movie, how did that stupid movie got made?. Well now you know the answer, people that belong to this secrete Hollywood society help each other out all the time. This leave REAL talented artist like my self out in the cold, people like me who have a REAL contribution to the film industry, with out the funding we need to make our films. So artist like my self, have to find alternative ways to finance our films. That is way I have created a line of clothing, to finance my films.
Good idea, poor execute I like the idea and it show uniqueness, but the way they shoot the movie was bad. I don't hate the movie, but I don't love it. Well is just my opinion...I like the concept of the movie, anime style but it could have been better.
Hollywood have forgotten its past, in the golden days of Hollywood ideas for new films ware created all the time. Why because they had vision, they ware not afraid. Hollywood back then was run by artist who became business mans, now Hollywood is run by business man with no vision. Business man that are afraid of getting sued, so they just invest in sure movies. And that is a shame, because there good ideas out there with talented people. Hollywood have become a town of business people.
To help our films we created a line of white t shirts and trucker hats, when you buy this fine products you be helping us finance our unique feature films. The finance system in Hollywood is all screw up, in the movie industry feature films are funded, because the investors who put up the money are best friends with a group of producers who don't care, about new ideas or new concepts or even providing opportunities to new film producers like my self. They just want to make films that are safe, that why you see lots of remakes from films that have made money in the past. I want to bring new talent and new ideas to the film industry, but people in the film industry just want to make movies from known talented actors. Is not the fault of these well known talented actor I blame the producers, directors and the investors they are the ones who keep the film industry close to others.
I’m a filmmaker who believe in telling exiting stories that would brig back the magic that Hollywood had. In the spirit of collaboration this is an independent film we are making we have the technology, the people, and the talent to make this a highly successful indie film. We have some select scenes that require use of CGI— we will use the money raised to pay for a highly-FX production to create the required magic to make this movie work.
" All great films, start with a simple ideas ".-Luis A. Ortiz
Log line: An alien object crashes outside of a small town emitting a powerful signal influences previously abducted humans, in thinking that god is telling them to kill each other The invasion has started, the Aliens have used our own people as their fighting force, nearly undetectable until Human drones erupt into killing machines. The fate of the world hangs in the balance, will courage of the a few brave humans be enough to stop a world invasion.
I already fill the female lead role in my film, but I still looking for the male lead role. plus I'm rewriting the script and talking to investors. I will keep everyone posted with more info later.
Since I started my journey to make my film, I have had a hard time filling the FBI role. So I'm happy to say that I found the actress that will play that role, and I know she will be awesome. Now to fill the other roles, I have a idea of who to ask for the male role. So until next time, when I have more news.
In my years of life I've always look at Hollywood for the latest film, some I enjoy others I didn't. On those films that I didn't enjoy I always ask how did they get the money to make that horrible film? the only conclusion I have come with is that they must be high, and I was right. Other people in the movie industry have told me that people who have the authority to give the green light to be made, they just decided when they smoking those special cigars. Now that I'm looking for money to make my film those people don't want to give the money to make my film, how ever they will give any amount of investors money to there stupid friends who come up with a retarded idea for a film.
Social Media Revolution 2 is a refresh of the original video with new and updated social media & mobile statistics that are hard to ignore. Based on the book Socialnomics by Erik Qualman.
Here is a video on film financing you may want to take a look at: Learn how to create a business plan for film making for a feature film in this free video series. Get movie producing tips from a producer.
In today's films town (Hollywood) movies are made by business people who don't have a once of talent, to them is just numbers, if you think I'm wrong, try to get funding for a movie. For those of you who have done this and try to get money to make a movie know what I'm talking about. Hollywood must be remake, and a new system must be created to give talented people like my self the opportunity to make movies.