An acting showcase is a great fundraising idea for filmmakers. It is similar to producing a stage play for public audiences. Independent filmmakers can use many of their moviemaking skills to produce an acting showcase.
These skills include budgeting, scheduling and directing. Acting showcases can be very profitable if executed properly. This guide will show you how to produce an acting showcase and raise funds for an independent film production.
Rent a Theater
The most important part of your acting showcase is a location. Find a theater in your town that is available for rent. If you live in a large city, there may be several theaters that are willing to rent out their space when other stage productions aren't in operation. Alternative theater locations can be located in high school auditoriums, churches and recreational facilities. You will need to find a place with a stage and wide seating area for an acting showcase fundraising idea.
It may be possible to get a theater for free, if you are creative and have dependable resources. Whether you rent a theater or not, make sure that you know how to control the lighting and room temperature. These items do not have to be monitored by you on the day of the showcase. It is important to know where the control devices are located. You must also make sure that there are bathrooms located in the facility being used for the acting showcase fundraiser. Parking is another location detail to consider as well.
Hire Actors
This fundraising idea would not be complete without actors. You must find enough actors who are willing to participate in the acting showcase for little or no money. One incentive that can be obtained is exposure for actors who star in this fundraising idea. You can invite casting directors and the press by offering a few reserved seats. This can be a great way to get actors to participate.
Part Two:
Actors can be found at local theater companies and schools. Many colleges have theater and drama departments that are filled with students who are looking for more acting opportunities. If your budget allows, a small
classified ad in the newspaper can also attract actors to the acting showcase. Once you have selected actors, tell them what you are trying to do. They can help to spread the word about the acting showcase fundraiser once a performance date has been set.
Select scenes from movies and television shows
Acting showcases usually include performances of multiple short scenes over a short period of time. You can select special scenes from famous movies to present at the acting showcase. If there is enough material, you can also skip the Hollywood movies and showcase scenes from your own screenplay or a love version of the movie you are raising funds for. This is a great way to attract people to your acting showcase. It can also help you find actors for your film.
Hire a Crew
Stage plays require a crew for a smooth operation. This is what you are also going to need for your acting showcase. Find a group of volunteers who are willing to help you with this fundraising idea. You are going to need people to help with tickets, concessions, sound and a lighting person. It is also important to have at least two stagehands that can help actors with their lines, wardrobe and miscellaneous tasks.
Sell advertisements in a program
Most of your money may be generated from selling tickets or charging at-the-door admission to the acting showcase. You can also make money with this fundraising idea by selling advertisements in a program. Many stage play productions give audiences members a program that lists notes from the production and cast members. Programs can be designed and printed out on a home computer and copied at a local printing shop. A great way to make money with a program is by selling spaces to local businesses.
Explain to them that you are holding a fundraiser for your film and ask if they would like to sponsor it by purchasing an advertisement. The advertisements can be various sizes including business card size and half and full pages. The prices should also vary for each size. This will help to raise even more funds for your film using an acting showcase. Actors will get exposure, local residents are able to enjoy great performances and you get to make your film.
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Fundraising Ideas for Filmmakers
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